Dairy-Free Food | Our Daily Diet Practice

Healthy, Dairy-Free Food | Our Daily Diet Practice

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“We are dedicated to environmental and social justice. We love to eat, travel, cook, and are committed to a dairy-free lifestyle! Join us for simple, amazingly delicious dairy-free recipes that can be just as satisfying, if not more, as a lifestyle.”
Green Monkey Saigon – V&N

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Why a Dairy-Free Diet is Good For You?

Dairy-free diets are becoming more popular as individuals avoid dairy products for a variety of health reasons. Some people, for example, may be lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products. Others may select a dairy-free diet for ethical reasons or to reduce the environmental effect of dairy farming.
While veganism is a set of dietary guidelines to follow, the phrase “dairy-free” can refer to a number of diets that limit or remove dairy products from the diet. The dairy-free diet is an excellent choice for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk, as well as those who simply want to eliminate dairy from their diet for any reason.